Mishna Study
Coordinator: Zwi Reznik, MishnahStudy@libraryminyan.org. Zwi organizes the Mishna Study the precedes almost every Shabbat morning service.
Coordinator: Zwi Reznik, MishnahStudy@libraryminyan.org. Zwi organizes the Mishna Study the precedes almost every Shabbat morning service.
Chesed Committee supports Library Minyan members during the birth/adoption of a child, illness or death in the family. The coordinators are Lori Harrison and Sandra Braun. Please email them at chesed@libraryminyan.org
Coordinator: Essia Cartoon-Fredman, ohelpatuach@libraryminyan.org , opens the tent of home hospitality for newcomers and others. If you’d like to share a Shabbat or holiday meal in the home of Library Minyan
Committee Co-Chairs: Michelle Wolf and Deborah Blum, dpl@libraryminyan.org, and their committee arrange pot-luck dining and other social events, mostly off-site from TBA.
Coordinators: Susan Laemmle & Mickey Rosen, drash@libraryminyan.org, know that everyone has at least one d’var Torah in them. We take pride in the range of people who offer Torah wisdom.
Coordinator: Russell Cohen, HaftarahCoordinator@libraryminyan.org encourages people to return to their Bat/Bar Mitzvah Haftarah or take on a new one.
Coordinator: Stan Goldstein, stan90034@yahoo.com. Stan welcomes new and returning leyners for short and longer aliyot. The Library Minyan follows the Triennial Cycle.
Gabbaim & Coordinators Committee. Current gabbaim are: Rachel Berwald, Howard Fredman, Norm Garr, Russell Cohen, Michael Shimansky and Daviod Noveseller. Contact them at gabbaim@libraryminyan.org. Gabbaim recruit and guide those playing
Sandra Braun, GreetingCoordinator@libraryminyan.org. Greeters stand near the Chapel door through Shacharit and welcome people arriving. Being greeter is a great way connect with other members.
Fran Grossman, jgross5049@aol.com, helps people plan a Bar or Bat Mitzvah, Aufruf, or other celebration at the Minyan. Please contact Fran if you are planning a Simchah.