Divrei 5784


By Chaim Kline, January 6, 2024 When I was recently on an academic study tour to Florence, Italy I had the privilege of spending a number of hours in the

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By Jackie Honig, December 30, 2023 This week I’ve been catching up on Doctor Who, which included the return of a familiar face – David Tennant. For those of you

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By Paul Verger, November 17, 2023 Long ago, when the forest animals saw the hunters encroaching on their habitat, they knew that they had to find a new home. The

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By Joel Stern, December 9, 2023 I’d like to dedicate this D’var Torah to the memory of David Ellenson, zichrono livracha, who passed away this week. David and his family

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Succot 2023: Living With Joy

Succot 2023: Living With Joy By Rabbi Susan Laemmle I still remember, years ago, suddenly noticing the odd Hebrew construction that gets turned into a song: V’samachta b’chagecha, v’hayitah ach

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Haazinu By Talia Rotter This week’s parsha, Ha’azinu, starts off by recounting the good things that G-d has done for B’nai Yisrael. G-d chose us as his people, cared for

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