Chairs: Tal Link, This committee helps members find outlets for service according to their abilities and interests. It develops ways to increase and retain participation, engages in outreach and membership
Chairs: Tal Link, This committee helps members find outlets for service according to their abilities and interests. It develops ways to increase and retain participation, engages in outreach and membership
Chair: Marissa Holt, This committee updates and disseminates Minyan-related information through this website and the Minyan Monthly The chair acts as recording secretary for the Steering Committee, and ensures that
Chair: Jules Kamin, This committee develops financial policies and procedures for the Minyan, in cooperation with the Steering Committee and Temple Beth Am.
Chair: Rabbi Jim Rogozen, This committee provides education programming for the Minyan that is open to the entire TBA kahal, and also helps people learn to take on new roles
Chair: Ben Richards, This committee works to keep the prayer experience relevant and meaningful, and plans High Holiday services.
Jerry Krautman,, helps arrange co-sponsored kiddushes in honor of birthdays, anniversaries, or yahrzeits. He can also advise on individually sponsored kiddushes for major events.
Chair: Fran Grossman,, coordinates subcommittees for Chesed, Diaspora Potluck, Kiddush, and Ohel Patuach/ Open Tent.