Bob Roosth


By Zwi Reznik, December 23, 2023, Tevet 11, 5784 Parsha Vayeshev begins rather abruptly after the end of last weeks Parsha Miketz. We are clearly in rhe midst of a

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Beshalach By Harry Eskin, January 27, 2024 Shabbat shalom. As some of you may know — in particular, Rabbi Ben Richards — I am a big fan of the musical

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  Vaera: Naming God Remembering Alyse Laemmle z”l on the First Yahrzeit of her death By Rabbi Susan Laemmle, 2 Shevat 5784: January 13, 2023 ו׳דבר אלוה׳ם אל משה ו׳אמר

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By Chaim Kline, January 6, 2024 When I was recently on an academic study tour to Florence, Italy I had the privilege of spending a number of hours in the

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By Jackie Honig, December 30, 2023 This week I’ve been catching up on Doctor Who, which included the return of a familiar face – David Tennant. For those of you

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By Paul Verger, November 17, 2023 Long ago, when the forest animals saw the hunters encroaching on their habitat, they knew that they had to find a new home. The

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By Joel Stern, December 9, 2023 I’d like to dedicate this D’var Torah to the memory of David Ellenson, zichrono livracha, who passed away this week. David and his family

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