Bereishit 5782
Bereishit 5782/2021 By Judy Weintraub Last month, I visited my internist for a routine appointment. He is young, very bright, and attentive. When my then-doctor retired a year ago, I
Bereishit 5782/2021 By Judy Weintraub Last month, I visited my internist for a routine appointment. He is young, very bright, and attentive. When my then-doctor retired a year ago, I
Sukkot Day 2 By Stevie Green When I was in college, a visiting rabbi gave a lecture about the problems with external displays of over-piety. For example, with disdain, he
Ki Tavo, August 28, 2021 By Julia Knobloch I recently visited family in Europe for the first time in three years. It was also the first time that I left
Parashat Vayelech Shabbat Shuva– Sept 11, 2021 By Rabbi Jim Rogozen The reading of Parshat Vayelech on Shabbat Shuva, and a haftorah that comes from three different books of Neviim,
Sh’lach L’Cha—שלח לך By Zwi Reznik, By June 5, 2021, 25 Sivan 5781 I have a fondness for the work of Rabbi Dr. Avraham Twerski, z’’l, a Hassidic Rabbi as
Behaalotecha By Stevie Green, 29 May 2021 Imagine if you can a societal upheaval. An international event that kills many thousands and terrifies millions more. A cataclysm of biblical proportions
Emor By Rachel Rubin Green, May 5, 2021 I embrace the concept that God and the people Israel are partners in the maintenance and improvement of our world. In his
Vayishlach וישלח By Zwi Reznik , November 24, 2018, 16 Kislev 5779 The journey continues. When we left Yaakov last week he was on the run again, as he had been