Webmaster: Bob Roosth, webmaster@libraryminyan.org, sends out the Minyan Monthly and other electronic messages. On the website you can sign up for the Minyan Monthly.
Webmaster: Bob Roosth, webmaster@libraryminyan.org, sends out the Minyan Monthly and other electronic messages. On the website you can sign up for the Minyan Monthly.
Treasurer: Dale Bodenstein, treasurer@libraryminyan.org, receives all donations and pays bills.. To contribute to the Minyan, mail a check made out to “Library Minyan of TBA” to Dale at 1056 South Crescent
Chair: Rabbi Jim Rogozen, education@libraryminyan.org. This committee provides education programming for the Minyan that is open to the entire TBA kahal, and also helps people learn to take on new roles
Chair: Ben Richards, ritual@libraryminyan.org. This committee works to keep the prayer experience relevant and meaningful, and plans High Holiday services.
Coordinator: Essia Cartoon-Fredman, ohelpatuach@libraryminyan.org , opens the tent of home hospitality for newcomers and others. If you’d like to share a Shabbat or holiday meal in the home of Library Minyan
Jerry Krautman, kiddushcomm@libraryminyan.org, helps arrange co-sponsored kiddushes in honor of birthdays, anniversaries, or yahrzeits. He can also advise on individually sponsored kiddushes for major events.
Committee Co-Chairs: Michelle Wolf and Deborah Blum, dpl@libraryminyan.org, and their committee arrange pot-luck dining and other social events, mostly off-site from TBA.
Chair: Fran Grossman, hospitality@libraryminyan.org, coordinates subcommittees for Chesed, Diaspora Potluck, Kiddush, and Ohel Patuach/ Open Tent.
Coordinators: Susan Laemmle & Mickey Rosen, drash@libraryminyan.org, know that everyone has at least one d’var Torah in them. We take pride in the range of people who offer Torah wisdom.
Coordinator: Russell Cohen, HaftarahCoordinator@libraryminyan.org encourages people to return to their Bat/Bar Mitzvah Haftarah or take on a new one.