Bob Roosth


By Diane Herman, July 6, 2024 אֵין כָּל חָדָשׁ תַּחַת הַשָּׁמֶשׁ La plus ca change, la plus ç’est la meme choses. There is nothing new under the sun. As I

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By Meyer Shwarzstein, June 1, 2024   If you made a list of the most popular subjects in the Tanach, the agricultural laws and the related tithes may be at

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Rest, Relief, and Reset By Larry Herman, May 25, 2024 Shabbat Shalom. I like it when a parsha has a unifying theme. It helps to concentrate the mind. Diane and

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Yizkor — Pesach 5784

By Rabbi Judy Weintraub Brief background of regional history of Northern Romania, how many present have connections to that region? Northern Romania known as The Bukovina, used to belong to

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Vayikra – Shabbat Zachor

By Diane Roosth, March 23, 2024 Shabbat Shalom! I asked to do this Drash in honor of Bob’s and my wedding anniversary. This month we also celebrate two grandsons’ birthdays,

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By Rachel Bernstein, March 16, 2024 One of my very favorite Hemingway quotes – disregarding his antisemitism for half a second – is “write drunk, edit sober.” I wrote portions

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Vayakhel/Shabbat Shekalim

By Sandy Antignas — March 9, 2024 Shabbat shalom! Thank you for the honor to share some Torah with you this morning.  In this week’s parsha – Vayak-hel – “He

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By Zwi Reznik, December 23, 2023, Tevet 11, 5784 Parsha Vayeshev begins rather abruptly after the end of last weeks Parsha Miketz. We are clearly in rhe midst of a

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Beshalach By Harry Eskin, January 27, 2024 Shabbat shalom. As some of you may know — in particular, Rabbi Ben Richards — I am a big fan of the musical

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  Vaera: Naming God Remembering Alyse Laemmle z”l on the First Yahrzeit of her death By Rabbi Susan Laemmle, 2 Shevat 5784: January 13, 2023 ו׳דבר אלוה׳ם אל משה ו׳אמר

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