Committee Information

Library Minyan Committee Information

The Action Committees and their charges are as follows:

  1. The Children and Youth Committee strengthens the connection of young people to the Minyan by expanding their participation in services, welcoming and involving pre-b’nai mitzvah children and their families, maintaining a child-friendly atmosphere, and addressing the unique needs of families with young children. — Paul Miller and Sandra Lepson, co-chairs (Sandra Lepson will sit on the Steering Committee) Contact
  2. The Ritual Committee determines permitted ritual and spiritual expression. It also seeks ways to keep the prayer experience relevant and meaningful, and to cultivate a sense of renewal. — Bob Braun, chair. Contact
  3. The Education Committee provides educational programming to the Minyan (open to the entire TBA kahal), whether within or outside of services. It supports projects like the Mishna study group and the on-line Parashat Hashavua Archives. Additionally, it organizes group classes and individual, volunteer tutorials to help members learn how to daven, be a gabbai, give a drash, and related skills. — Rachel Green, chair. Contact
  4. The Social and Hospitality Committee arranges different types of outreach intended to strengthen the Minyan’s sense of community. These may include the Diaspora Potluck subcommittee, which provides off-site communal social opportunities; the Chesed subcommittee, which organizes support for members who are encountering hardship; the Hachnasat Orchim subcommittee, which helps provide a welcoming atmosphere to newcomers and makes matches for holiday meals; and the Greeter sub-committee, which recruits people to provide a welcoming greeting at the door. — Miriam Prum-Hess, chair. Contact
  5. The Gabbaim and Coordinators Committee deals with issues regarding weekly and festival davening, and actively recruits gabbaim and coordinators. This committee consists of the Shabbat gabbaim; the Drash, Torah, Haftarah, High Holy Days, and Megillah coordinators; the Simcha Coordinator, and the Ritual Committee chairperson. Gabbaim and coordinators serve for an initial two-year term, and for additional terms as desired. The committee is responsible for appointing new coordinators and gabbaim as needed. — Jerry Krautman, chair. Contact
  6. The Membership Committee helps members find outlets for service according to their abilities and interests. It develops ways to increase and retain participation, engages in outreach and membership recruitment, and maintains the membership list. — Rabbi Susan Laemmle, chair. Contact
  7. The Communications Committee maintains, updates, and disseminates Minyan-related information to members. It does this through the website, Minyan Monthly, electronic or other voting system, on-line forums and social media. The chairperson of the Communications Committee acts as recording secretary for the Steering Committee, and ensures that records of Steering Committee meetings and Minyan general meetings are maintained. — Sandra Braun, chair. Contact
  8. The Finance Committee handles day-to-day financial matters in cooperation with the appropriate Temple Beth Am personnel, and as approved by the Steering Committee. The Minyan Treasurer, who is appointed by the Steering Committee, is a member of the Finance Committee. — Dale Bodenstein, chair. Contact

Committee members are encouraged to serve for an initial two-year term, and may serve for additional terms as needed. Each committee determines its number of participants and when to accept new members. Committees shall meet as necessary, but not less than twice a year.

Each committee has a chairperson who is selected by members of that committee. A committee chairperson serves for an initial two-year term. In addition to leading their particular committees, the chairpersons constitute the Steering Committee, which also includes the Rosh Ha-Minyan (the “Rosh”). The Steering Committee shall meet at least quarterly.

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