
Library Minyan of Temple Beth Am

The Library Minyan, now beginning its sixth decade, is a participatory, lay-led, davening and learning community that blends traditional observance with a fully modern and egalitarian approach to Jewish living. We hope you’ll find this website a useful source for information about our activities. As a lay-led organization, we encourage people to volunteer in any capacity. Ways to volunteer can be found here.

The Library Minyan meets every Shabbat and holiday morning at Temple Beth Am in the Dorff-Nelson Chapel or, when weather permits, on the Ziering Family Field.

LM-organized visit to the Getty Museum photo archive to see images from Israel prior to 1900. This picture links to the Getty archive.
Looking at the old photos

This website includes the following helpful links:

Calendar: The Calendar shows who will be gabbai for each service, contact information for gabbaim and other coordinators, assigned/open dates for reading Haftarah or giving a drash, and dates for special events.

If you are not receiving our email, you can join the email list here.

Donate: If you would like to celebrate a simcha by co-sponsoring a kiddush, or make a donation to the minyan to help support its youth outreach or chesed projects, click on “Donate” and fill out the form.

Chesed Committee supports Library Minyan members during the birth/adoption of a child, illness or death in the family. Contact chesed@libraryminyan.org,  if you or another member of our community needs assistance with meals.

Programming: As an integral part of Temple Beth Am, we are proud of its wonderful heritage and leading role in the Los Angeles Jewish Community. For information on the broad range of religious, educational, and social activities at TBA, go to TBALA.org.

Ohel Patuach/Open Tent opens the tent of home hospitality for newcomers and others. If you’d like to share a Shabbat or holiday meal in your home or the home of another Library Minyan member, contact the Ohel Patuach coordinator at: ohelpatuach@libraryminyan.org to arrange a shidduch.

Website: We’re still a work in progress. If you have any suggestions for ways to improve our website, please send them to webmaster@libraryminyan.org.

Shabbat Tetzaveh

March 7-8, 2025

Candle-lighting: 5:37 p.m.

Services, featuring Torah Club members reading Torah, will be in the Dorff-Nelson Chapel beginning at 9:45 a.m. followed by Kiddush. Mishna Study begins at 9:15 a.m. in the Whiteman Conf. room and on Zoom

Weekly Update

The Weekly Update goes out weekly on Friday morning. Click here to view the most recent email.

If you are not receiving the email, you can join the email list here.

Upcoming Events

3/15 -Bill Seligman’s 60th birthday

3/16 – Purim Seudah

5/17 – Stern aufruf; Jacki Honig celebrates her ordination

Prayers for the Soldiers and Captives
And Wildfires

We have added prayers to the end of the Torah Service. Click the link below to view a PDF of those prayers, Hebrew and English.

Prayers for the Soldiers and Captives

Prayer for the Wildfires to Subside

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